Hey all,
I wanted to share some thoughts I've recently had about my experiences as a new mom. As children we are all taught to prioritize, to make the most of our time and it's valuable capital. This habit is drilled so deeply into some of us, that we become OCD checklisters. Every task is an opportunity for success; an additional gold star we can place on our daily report card. But what happens when we have to experience a change in pace? For some, a kind of culture shock ensues when forced to kiss the fast paced race track good bye. No more clean white lines, freshly mowed grass, or crowds who would cheer you on as you sped through your mile marks with long easy strides. Now you are in the slow lane, your legs are hobbled, and their is a gaggle of small manufactured items sprawling at your feet. Certainly, you are still mobile. Mind you, sometimes crawling, crab-walking, rolling, or hopping on one foot - sometimes all at the same time - but still inching forward each day.
This monumental change in life style can be a devastating shock, and a crippling disappointment for many. How can you come to terms with the fact that your life is irrevocably altered? Now that I have joined the ranks of the hobbled, I find myself with more time to ponder and self reflect than I have ever had before. For the record, I use the term "hobbled" only as a binary to "fast-paced". Not to say that motherhood is disabling, or harmful to the soul! But it certainly is a complete change from the life style that I have known. But I can only speak for myself. Prior to pregnancy and giving birth, I had the tendency of whizzing around, circling the globe several times a day at top speeds; hair flying check marks popping up all over.
And yet, I have found tremendous joy in running on this new track. (More like crab-walking most days...) At first being stuck to the couch, or bed, or chair, with a flailing, nursing, diaper-clad boy was neither fun nor rewarding. Ouch. You mean, I have to nurse him every time he is hungry? And change the diaper too? :/ But these are the realities of motherhood. It's a messy business. And at the same time, it can be incredibly rewarding. I was not aware of this silver lining when I first landed in the big sticky cloud that is motherhood. After weeks of late nights, early mornings, little sleep, and lots of other new experiences, I have had an epiphany; my time IS being well-spent.
From my understanding, most of motherhood consists of this very thing; overcoming the feeling that our time is wasted or that we accomplish little in life. But what did you expect? When your baby is young, you spend half of your time nursing him, and most of the other half RECOVERING from nursing him. And so it goes until they are grown - (and to my knowledge, NO ONE had found a short cut around this lengthy task....... yet.)Meanwhile, you are giving life every day, all day, to someone who desperately needs YOUR love, attention, help, knowledge, strength, devotion, and every other quality you developed while circling the globe.
So moms, if you are reading this, do yourself a favor; be happy, because your time IS well spent. You are needed, you are loved, and you are irreplaceable. Never doubt that.