Wednesday, November 2, 2011

DMF Assignment Week #6 Portrature

Okay, I did not realize until a minute ago when I saved these images as JPEGs on my computer that somehow I mis-saved these ones like I did on week 4's photos. AH!!! Note to self, STOP DOING THAT! Well, I am sorry that there has been this mistake. For some reason they don't show up like this on school computers. Warren, if you are reading this, PLEASE help. Or make a helpful comment!

Anyways, this week's assignment was to take three pictures of someone with a story to tell and change them in Photoshop. Inspiration for this project came from a global movement of artists called INSIDEOUTPROJECT. During this lab the HUE/SATURATION and CURVES tools were emphasized. I used both tools on all three pieces.

1. I was excited when I learned about this global project. It introduced new ideas that I had never thought of and made me feel motivated to participate in something so creative, so public, so inspirational, and so darn easy and accessible. Now that I have completed this project, I am surprised at the simplicity of it. But at the same time, the simplicity is packed with layers of complexity; what is behind the expression? what is the story of this subject, or they also the artist? why does it mater to them? how extensive is there contribution? what message are they sending to the world with their photo?  The list goes on.
2. I am the subject for all three photos. I did it this way for the sake of time (thank you, midterms. I want my life back now, pleeeeeaaase.) At first I wanted to take pictures of different people. But I stil had a good experience working with my own pictures. I found myself increasingly conscious of how I was changing my appearance and how that appearance might be interpreted. I plan to use the same discression when editing other people's photos.
3. Can art change the world? Yes, it can. First, art is a very broad noun with countless meanings. But in the most general sense, art is a form of expression which portrays certain sentiments. Those sentiments, their message, be it benign or explicit, sad or joyful, pensieve or explosive, will reveal themselves to audiences in countless places. And the message of that artwork will speak, be it queitly or violently, to the audience. Sometimes words aren't enough. But if a picture is worth a thousand words, then I am certain that countless people will take something away from even the smallest image. So, yes. Art can change the world.

At last! I got the images from my school lab computer. Here they are!!

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